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  • Flint Hills Bulletin

Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters Serving Cowley County

Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Cowley County is celebrating 25 years this year. Our mission is to “Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth”. Currently, there are 6 youth along with their parent/guardian in Burden that have requested a mentor.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age an graduated from high school or have a GED. They are required to make a minimum of a one year commitment for 2-4 hours a month depending on the program chosen. They must complete the screening process, which involves an information session, application, references, background checks, interview and training. Once approved, the volunteer chooses the child they wish to be matched with and match meeting is arranged by our Match Support Specialist, who continues to provide support through out the length of the relationship.

Last year, Tina Strum helped us to organize an information session to be held at Central and Unfortunately no one attended. She introduced us to Kansas PRIDE and we presented the program and need in Burden to the group. They were gracious to help us Hand out flyers at Burden Dayz as individuals waited for the Parade to begin.

The First United Methodist Church in Burden has invited our organization to share at the serving on September 29th. We are excited to have this opportunity and to hopefully gain some volunteers to serve youth in Burden.

If you are interested in a presentation or hosting an information session, please contact Debi Clark at or call 620-221-7766. For more information visit and like us on Facebook @Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Cowley County.

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