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  • Flint Hills Bulletin

Tisdale 4-H - October Happenings

Kendyl Higdon - Tisdale 4-H Club Reporter

For the month of October, during their regular meeting, Tisdale 4-H Club had an installation of officers ceremony. All of the new officers got their own type of candy to show how each office is unique. On October 16th , officers from all over Cowley County met up at the Winfield Middle School and learned how to do their office. After everyone learned about their office, the 4-Hers did a pretend meeting to practice their new skills.

On October 8th , Tisdale 4-H Club helped Tisdale United Methodist Church with their Lord’s Acre Dinner and Sale. Club members helped by throwing away trash, taking trays, and serving drinks. Members made a food basket for the auction. The next morning, members of the club went to church at Tisdale United Methodist Church and helped with the service.

For National 4-H Week, October 2 nd – 9 th , Tisdale 4-H Club carved pumpkins and gave them to downtown businesses. National 4-H Week is a time to encourage kids and volunteers to join 4-H. If you would like to join 4-H go to .

Tisdale 2022-2023 officers.

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