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  • Flint Hills Bulletin

Burden 4-H Community Service Project

On October 9, 2022 the Burden 4-H Club painted the town carwash

welcome sign and cleaned the area around it.

This project greatly improved

the look of the carwash area and gave the people entering Burden a warm

welcome sign to be greeted with. I believe the best outcome of the project

was the pride it brought to the town.

The owners of the carwash, Mr. & Mrs. Bair kindly granted us permission to

do this project. All of the 4-Hers that were available helped to accomplish

our service project as quickly as possible. All of the cleaning and some of

the painting was done on the 9th, but due to the time of day we had to

leave touch-ups for another day. It was finished on Thursday the 13th of


All of the money generously granted to us by the Legacy Regional

Community Foundation was put toward paint & supplies as well as a pizza

party celebrating our achievement. This project was made possible by them

and we cannot thank them enough for their generous contribution to our

service project.

In addition to painting the carwash welcome sign, the club planted a new

flower in the wishing well beside it as well as cleaned and mowed the area

around the carwash.

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