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  • Flint Hills Bulletin

Family Survey Participation Sought

Cowley County (KS), October 2, 2020: Local community leaders are asking for your participation in a brief survey to gather information regarding how COVID has affected Cowley County families in these past six months. Specifically organizers hope to learn what childcare and education needs families are currently facing. The survey is available online at in both English and Spanish.

Four primary partners worked together to create the survey: Cowley First Economic Development Partnership, K-State/Cowley County Extension Office, Legacy Regional Community Foundation, and the USD 470 Early Literacy Initiative. The City-Cowley Health Department aided in translating the survey to Spanish. More than 20 nonprofits collaborated to offer feedback and context for the community survey. Additionally, the area nonprofits will help publicize the need for responses through their networks.

The survey effort grew out of a monthly virtual check-in of nonprofit community leadership throughout the COVID crisis. The issue of childcare was repeatedly voiced as a crisis point in our community. The lack of quality childcare options, particularly for children ages 0-3, has long been an issue in Cowley County. The changes to public schools created by the pandemic worsened the situation. For many parents/caregivers, the ongoing lack of childcare spots for infants and young toddlers, compounds the stress of challenges such as juggling work, remote learning experiences, and childcare for school-aged children.

The survey is available throughout the month of October and can be answered on any electronic device, including a phone. Survey respondents are eligible for a weekly drawing of $50 toward their utility bill or towards a gift card to a local business of their choice (participating in the Rally Cowley initiative).

A link to the survey can be found at  For more information, contact Legacy at (620) 221-7224.

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